
liquid soil


Run Liquid Floor Properly...


In order to be able to run liquid soil well, this must be taken into account when creating the recipe and during installation.

liquid soil perfect as a contingency plan when the ground opens up...


Sudden underground settlements ensure that the property suddenly sinks into the ground and a gaping hole opens up where there was just a beautiful lawn! Liquid soil can help quickly, even when water is involved!

liquid soil take slump


A cornerstone of quality assurance:

Get the slack right

liquid soil

Backfilling in private house construction


When building a house, liquid soil can also help in impassable places. Saving time was only one point in this case. Due to the narrow ditches, proper compaction would have been awkward here.

liquid soil from the mobile mixing plant


Ditch mixing is a particularly effective way of applying liquid soil. It saves truck mixers, time and money, it protects the environment and the nerves of local residents.

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